Monday 17 April 2017

Why Nobody Died

Ok, some may say the title of this blog is tempting fate a little bit but I'm one of those people that, once something is fixed in my head, that's how it stays. It's a phrase I often use when my closest friend asks me how I am today. "Nobody died" is sometimes the best I can come up with!

So life is stressful. Some of us have the occasional monster of a problem, some of us have the constant drip drip of nagging issues and some of us are - as an ex-boyfriend referred to me - shit magnets. However, I dispute that I am the latter as I did manage to get rid of him!

My youngest often tells me I should write a book after all the things this family has been through. Nobody would believe me, I tell him. However, having scoured the internet at various times for someone to put down in words the 3 easy steps to cope with life stuff and coming up blank, I am here to let anyone out there doing the same know, you are not alone. We are all in the mire, the only difference is the depth. Some days I may rant and moan (feel free to tell me to get a grip) some days I will laugh, some days I will reveal some of the things we have been through and continue to go through and some days I will just talk random crap that comes into my head. Expect no order!

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Ok, well it's been 6 days since my first post and I'm glad to report - nobody died. We did, however, have one row with the council...