Sunday 23 April 2017

Ok, well it's been 6 days since my first post and I'm glad to report - nobody died.

We did, however, have one row with the council, one row with the daughter, one frustrating trip to Vodafone and 2 hospital trips!

Our lovely local education authority have allocated my granddaughter a place at infants school for September. In the opposite direction to the school her 2 brothers are at. Perfect. This doesn't surprise me. They have fulfilled their obligation of giving her a school place - the ensuing chaos of trying to get all 3 children to 2 different schools at the same time everyday is something I know many parents have to face every day.

I should point out 3 out of 4 of our grandchildren are currently living with my husband and I and have done so on and off all of their lives. This is due to the parents being a little bit shit. I'm feeling kind today so that is the best phrase I can muster for them and that's a different story.

So, school appeal is underway. My grandsons teacher is gutted she doesn't have the beautiful number 3 grandchild in her class for September and informs me they actually only have 4 siblings starting so I'm keeping that information up my sleeve for when I attend the appeal hearing. Somebody 'may' die then!

My daughter has promised the 3 children she will visit them on 3 occasions this week and let them down every time. She's 'sick' apparently - and busy - perfect! After letting her know I will not allow this situation to continue unchallenged I got an ear bashing. Not sure what I did wrong amongst my week where I got them up and washed and dressed and fed and to school everyday but there is no reasoning with people like her so I'm brushing it off. Once again, the childrens useless sperm donor of a father has made no contribution to the childrens lives either financially or emotionally or verbally - not even a call. The more time goes by the less they ask for him.

Vodafone - ah the lovely vodafone. It came to light that a fraud was committed on my account. A number set up with my bank details. This has been investigated. Yes, they say, it's fraud. Great - I'll have my money back that you have been deducting for the last 8 months then thank you very much. Well, that's a different department and one that won't pay out unless we kick up a fuss. They also sneakily decided to add unwanted data to my working account and up my monthly premiums. Data that is never used and was never requested. Numerous calls to Vodafone and visits to the shop and everyone agrees this was done without my permission but can I get my money back? Erm no - maybe one day, when hell freezes over - but not just yet because apparently Vodafone like fleecing people and bumping up the interest earned on everyone else's money sitting in their bank!

So the weekend was rounded off with 2 hospital visits - one for me as I was hemorrhaging due to going through the menopause - so they say - whoopdy do! I have medication so nobody died and have to arrange a hysterectomy. Can't afford the downtime at the moment so it's on the back burner! Second trip involved number 2 grandson who had a fall in the garden and needed his face gluing and butterfly stitching!

Throughout all this we have had some fantastic moments where we have laughed and loved. Had fun and mountains of kisses and cuddles from the grandchildren and been visited by the 4th grandchild.  The child with the glued head has taken to having 2 favourite words - poo and discombobulated and the 9 year old grandson is developing a teenage attitude - oh joy.

Phew, what a week! But we got through it and nobody died. However, if Vodafone don't get their arses in gear that may well change next week!

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Ok, well it's been 6 days since my first post and I'm glad to report - nobody died. We did, however, have one row with the council...